Regional EVSE Planning

By working with stakeholders, the N.C. Department of Transportation has developed plans and strategies to reduce transportation emissions. These include the Zero Emission Vehicle Plan, Multi-State Medium- and Heavy-Duty ZEV Memorandum of Understanding, and the Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) Reduction Study.

As a part of the development process, five work groups were created to gather stakeholder input. These work groups can be found here and include

  • ZEV Plan for Light-Duty Vehicles
  • ZEV Plan for Medium & Heavy-Duty Vehicles
  • Fleet Transition Plan for Public & Private Vehicle Fleets
  • VMT Reduction Plan
  • Clean Transportation Infrastructure 

The National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Formula Program (“NEVI Formula”) was created to provide funding to States to strategically deploy electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure and to establish an interconnected network to facilitate data collection, access, and reliability. Providing nearly $5 billion over 5 years ending in 2027, the NEVI Formula provides funds to build out alternative fuel corridors.

Funding is available for installation of network-connected public chargers, or non-public chargers that serve more than one company. Operation and maintenance of the charging system as well as additions that lead to overall lower construction and operating costs are also considered eligible costs to be funded by NEVI Formula funds.

Alternative Fuel Corridors

These corridors include several interstate highways, federal and state roads and were established through nominations from state and local officials with stakeholder input. Along the National Highway System, alternative fuel corridors are a national network of alternative fueling and charging infrastructure.

With a goal of transitioning to zero-emission fleets, we know change takes time. While your fleet converts, other methods of fuel conservation can help to reduce emissions and save on costs too. Visit the CCFC Fuel Conservation Resources page to find easy and immediately implementable tips and practices.

PublicityFor additional information or questions, please contact Megan Upchurch, Regional Planner at

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