Grants to Replace Aging Diesel Vehicles (GRADE)

In 2007, Mecklenburg County Air Quality launched an innovated air quality improvement program called Grants to Replace Aging Diesel Engines or GRADE. GRADE is designed to reduce oxides of nitrogen (NOx), an ozone forming air pollutant, by providing businesses and organizations funding incentives to replace or repower heavy-duty non-road equipment with newer, cleaner, less polluting engines.

Since its inception, GRADE has funded over 318 projects and awarded $6.6 million. These projects have reduced over 1,059 tons of ozone-forming NOx in the Charlotte region. Watch the award-winning GRADE video for more information.
Seeking Electrification Projects
Please contact PJ McKenzie at 704-336-5430 if you are interested in pursuing the following types of projects:
  • Replacing old, diesel ground-support equipment (GSE) with new, fully electric GSE;
  • Replacing a diesel terminal tractor/yard hostler with a fully electric version; or
  • Adding a hybrid drive system to your Class 7/8 semi-truck, capable of hauling a full load up to 25+ mph without burning diesel.
For more information, visit Mecklenburg County LUESA GRADE. The video below is courtesy of their program and features one of the GRADE projects. 

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