Looking for more information on specific alternative fuels to see which fuel is right for your use case? Please click each fueling nozzle image below to access more information and resources. Still not sure which fuel is right for your fleet? Let the CCFC walk with you through your duty cycle and use case for your fleet and see which fuel will be the best decision for your fleet. As a fuel and technology neutral entity, the CCFC is most concerned about ensuring you are achieving your fleet goals while keeping costs and maintenance low.


Emerging Transportation Technologies

EEMS & CAVs have now been joined together under our 'Emerging Transportation Technologies' effort. These efforts, combined with others such as CONNECT Beyond recommendations and implementation, aim to improve transportation energy efficiency through low-cost, secure, and clean energy technologies. Through knowledge, tools, insights and technology solutions, emerging transportation technologies like EEMS can increase mobility energy productivity for individuals and businesses. Centralina has initiated several EEMS projects, most recently the Connected and Autonomous Vehicle Workshops and Taskforce, with a final product of a Road Map that will be updated in 2022; a pilot project to try out electric vehicle charging for multi-family dwellings on light poles; and work continues on the CONNECT Beyond regional mobility initiative to integrate service providers, territories, and technology to ensure a seamless trip around the region; among others. Page coming soon!

Fuel Efficiency

Are you a fleet manager looking for fuel conservation strategies; an educator looking for environment resources; or a business sustainability manager wanting to understand how idle reduction can benefit your organization? If so, Clean Cities has the resources for you. This page provides efficiency and cost-saving measures, such as fuel conservation actions, access to a "Toolkit for Idle Reduction Education and Outreach" on the Department of Energy’s Clean Cities website and more. Click here to access our fuel efficiency resources page.


Curious about what the greater Charlotte region is doing about electrification? Looking for guidance for your own municipality? For over ten years, Centralina has led alternative fuel corridor nominations, coordinated discussions between involved parties and facilitated the creation and continuation of Plug-In NC. CCFC has also been involved with the creation of the NC ZEV plan as well as the plan that federal NEVI funding requires. Centralina will be releasing more information for local and regional organizations on electrification here soon, so please check back frequently.


Experience some of the resources available to you below. For more calculators and resources, please visit the DOE’s Alternative Fuels Data Center and fueleconomy.gov 


Track your fleet’s emissions


Find Alternative Fueling Stations on the map near you


Compare all classes of alt fuel vehicles


Search Laws & Incentives


Find Vehicle Cost Comparisons


Analyze alt fuel vehicle densities and locations of infrastructure and production facilities


Estimate a city/state’s need for charging infrastructure & its effect on the electric grid


Understand the costs and benefits of EVs by location

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