First-Ever U.S. National Clean Hydrogen Strategy and Roadmap is Here

Recently, the U.S. National Clean Hydrogen Strategy and Roadmap was released, detailing an all-government approach to clean hydrogen. As the United States continues to take steps towards a more sustainable future, discussion of zero- and low-carbon hydrogen has increased. Not only could clean hydrogen aid us in reaching our decarbonization goals, but it also holds promise in offering a variety of economic benefits. The roadmap boasts that clean hydrogen can bring about a ~10% reduction in economic emissions by 2050 (relative to 2005), 100,000 jobs in fields like engineering, construction, manufacturing, and raw material supply chains by 2030, as well as 450,00 cumulative job-years through 2030. 

The roadmap has highlighted three key strategies to fully utilize the benefits of clean hydrogen. The first strategy is to target areas like steel manufacturing, energy storage, and heavy-duty trucks; all of which are considered to be areas of high value for clean hydrogen to be utilized, as well as lack a variety of decarbonization alternatives. The second strategy is to lower the cost of clean hydrogen through the Hydrogen Shot launched in 2021, which has established a goal of lowering clean hydrogen’s price by 80%. This would allow for the target areas to have better access to clean hydrogen. The third strategy is to invest in Regional Clean Hydrogen Hubs, which will ensure that prioritized hydrogen consumers will be close to large scale clean hydrogen production. 

While the future is uncertain, it is made clear that clean hydrogen has the capacity to become an exceptional tool in both decarbonization and economic practices. The Department of Energy will be abiding by this document by updating it at least once every three years as necessary.  

Click here to learn more about the U.S. National Clean Hydrogen Strategy and Roadmap. 

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Clean Cities Directors from Across the Nation, Including Centralina Clean Fuels Coalition’s, Awarded for Industry Contributions

Clean Cities Coalition Directors were recently awarded the Impact Award at the 2023 Clean Fuels Alliance America annual awards in Tampa, Florida. These individuals represent more than 75 Clean Cities Coalitions which serve as the foundation for the Department of Energy’s Clean Cities program. These coalitions bring together more than 20,000 stakeholders across the public and private sectors throughout the United States. Through these coalition’s efforts to use alternative and renewable fuels, foster fuel economy improvements and promote new transportation technology, Clean Cities Coalitions support the creation of industry and gasoline alternatives.  

The Centralina Regional Council is proud to host the Charlotte region’s DOE Clean Cities affiliate, the Centralina Clean Fuels Coalition (CCFC). “We work with fleets, fuel providers, community leaders and stakeholders across the greater Charlotte region to promote the use of alternative fuels and reduce overall emissions and traditional petroleum use. Our stakeholders continually implement innovative advanced vehicle technology projects that support our communities, such as the recently completed PoleVolt curbside EV charging demonstration project,” said CCFC’s Director, Jason Wager, AICP CEP. 

CCFC is honored to receive this award in recognition of regional efforts to reduce the amount of petroleum used in transportation. During 2020, CCFC worked with partners in the Charlotte region to reduce the annual energy impact to ~3million gasoline gallon equivalents and reduced carbon dioxide emissions by over 16,000 tons.  

To learn more about emissions reductions in the Charlotte region, please visit the CCFC website.  You can also learn more about the full list of award winners on the Clean Fuels Alliance America website. 

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Blueprint for Transportation Decarbonization: Biden Administration Takes Action

The U.S. Departments of Energy, Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and the Environmental Protection Agency have released the U.S. National Blueprint for Transportation Decarbonization: a comprehensive strategy for cutting emissions from the transportation sector by 2050. Read more about the blueprint here.

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